Department of Labor and Regulation

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 TitleShort DescriptionPublic Hearing DatesInterim Commitee HearingComment Deadline 
20:38:29:03. Deadlines. Changing the application deadlines for testing for the Board of Technical Professions to accomodate computer-based testing. 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:38:32:04. Land surveying. Clarifies when an applicant for licensure as a land surveyor for the Board of Technical Professions shall complete and return the take-home examination. 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:38:32:06. Petroleum release assessment or remediation. Clarifies when an applicant for licensure as a petroleum release assessor or remediator for the Board of Technical Professions shall complete and return the take-home examination. 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:38:33:03. Examination fees. Modifies examination fees for the Board of Technical Professions 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:38:34:01. Comity licensure application. Allows for the acceptance of a verified professional record from NCARB, CLARB, or NCEES as proof of comity licensure requirements for the Board of Technical Professions 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:38:34:04. Examination requirement. Clarifies that an applicant for comity licensure with the Board of Technical Professions shall meet the examination requirements of South Dakota law and shall successfully complete a South Dakota specific take-home examination. 11/22/2013 12/17/2013 11/26/2013
20:53:10:03 Plumbing Permit Fees Increase the plumbing permit for a single family dwelling from $40 to $50. 10/24/2013 11/12/2013 11/04/2013
20:14:02:02. Notice of change of email address and residential and business addresses. Requires licensed appraisers to notify the Appraiser Certification Program of a change in email address, if available. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:03:01. Application for certificate. Requires applicants for licensure with the Appraiser Certification Program to include an email address on the application, if available. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:04:12.02. Responsibility of state-registered appraiser. Repeals language that allowed a state-registered appraiser to be supervised by a supervisory appraiser prior to completing the required educational course. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:04:14. Requirements of a supervisory appraiser. Repeals language that allowed a supervisory appraiser to supervise an appraiser prior to completing the required educational course. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:05:05. Acceptable experience. Adds nonclient appraisal experience to the list of acceptable experience for the appraisal experience requirement for licensure with the Appraiser Certification Program. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:05:05.01. Experience -- Review of appraisals by secretary. Language clean-up: changes "supervising" to "supervisory" for language consistency. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:06:01. Conformance with uniform standards. Updates the appraisal standards to most recent version of the Uniform Standards of Profesional Appraisal Practice, the 2014-2015 version of the standards. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013
20:14:06:01.02. Reporting of appraisal management company registration number. Correction: changes "31-21D" to "36-21D", which is the correct chapter in South Dakota law regarding the licensure of Appraisal Management Companies. 11/15/2013 12/17/2013 11/25/2013